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Sam Vanderhoof

Sam Vanderhoof

A pioneer in the solar industry, Sam Vanderhoof has served as a corporate executive at Petra Solar, SMA America, Schott Solar, Trace Engineering/Xantrex and Kyocera Solar. Sam’s career includes developing cutting edge technology and market strategy, specializing in power inverters, on and off-grid PV, and micro-grid projects, both domestic and internationally.

CEO of Recycle PV Solar, a US company engaged in the collection, re-use and recycling of solar PV modules.

President of Solar Cowboyz ~ Nevada City, California. Solar Cowboyz offers comprehensive photovoltaic (PV) and renewable energy consulting, design, installation and training services for commercial and residential projects in domestic and international solar markets. Technology development (hardware and software), for electric vehicles specializing in motorcycles and alternative vehicle development.

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